"I promise to cherish honor and respect"
So why did he hit me and why did he yell
Why did he stand there when down the steps I fell..
If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship I urge you to seek help. It may not be easy but it is possible.
Nonviolent Alternatives
Other Indiana Resources
Franklin and Greenwood, IN
Johnson County Outreach Office - 317.736.8666
Turning Point - Columbus Indiana
800.221.6311 - Crisis Line 812.523.3472 - Shelter Line
Indianapolis, IN
Indianapolis Salvation Army - 317.637.5551
Holy Family Shelter - 317.635.7830
The Julian Center Crisis Line - 317.251.7575
Shelbyville, IN
Shelby County Outreach Office - 317.398.5682
Shelby County Prosecutor Office victim assistance - 317.398.5535
Morgan County
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc
Morgan County Prosecutor
Office Victim assistance - 765.342.1050
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