Helpful Links

With a ring for my finger these words he said

"I promise to cherish honor and respect"
So why did he hit me and why did he yell
Why did he stand there when down the steps I fell..

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship I urge you to seek help. It may not be easy but it is possible.

Nonviolent Alternatives


Other Indiana Resources

Franklin and Greenwood, IN

Johnson County Outreach Office - 317.736.8666
Turning Point - Columbus Indiana
800.221.6311 - Crisis Line 812.523.3472 - Shelter Line

Indianapolis, IN
Indianapolis Salvation Army - 317.637.5551
Holy Family Shelter - 317.635.7830
The Julian Center Crisis Line - 317.251.7575

Shelbyville, IN
Shelby County Outreach Office - 317.398.5682
Shelby County Prosecutor Office victim assistance - 317.398.5535

Morgan County
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc
Morgan County Prosecutor
Office Victim assistance - 765.342.1050

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